Legalizing Assisted Suicide
Date of Vote: May 24, 2023
Chamber of Origin: HouseThis bill establishes provisions governing the prescribing, dispensing and administering of medication designed to end the life of a patient. The key provisions include: - Authorizing a physician or advanced practice registered nurse to prescribe such medication to a patient under certain circumstances, such as if the patient is at least 18 years old, has been diagnosed with a terminal condition, has made an informed and voluntary decision to end their life, is mentally capable, and is not requesting the medication due to coercion. - Requiring specific procedures for a patient to request the medication, including two verbal requests and one written request. - Imposing requirements on practitioners before prescribing the medication, such as informing the patient of the right to revoke the request, verifying the patient meets the requirements, and referring the patient to a consulting practitioner. - Allowing a patient to revoke the request at any time and prohibiting anyone other than the patient from administering the medication. - Requiring providers to document information about requests and prescriptions in the patient's medical records. - Providing immunity to certain providers who take actions authorized by the bill and prohibiting providers from taking certain actions against employees or contractors who provide information about end-of-life options. - Prohibiting conditions in wills, contracts, or insurance policies from being based on whether a person requests or obtains the medication.1
Turning Point Action’s Position

Voted YEA
19Voted yea
Voted nay
Not voting

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