Prohibitiing Health Care Liscencing Boards for Disciplining a Person for Providing "Gender Affirming Care"
Date of Vote: May 25, 2023
Chamber of Origin: HouseThis bill prohibits healthcare licensing boards from taking certain actions against a provider of health care or certain other persons for providing or assisting in the provision of gender-affirming healthcare services; prohibits the Governor from surrendering, or issuing an arrest warrant for, a person who is charged in another state with a criminal violation related to gender-affirming health care services; prohibiting state agencies, local governments and members of the judiciary from assisting in certain investigations and proceedings initiated in other states related to gender-affirming health care services; requiring certain health care licensing boards to examine the feasibility of reciprocal licensure for health care providers who provide gender-affirming health care services in other states; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Turning Point Action’s Position

Voted YEA
14Voted yea
Voted nay
Not voting

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